real length of bmw 600 is 290 cm, Autoart has 16 cm also it fit perfectly, real isetta has 225 cm and model should have a length 12,5 cm, how much is it ? Because I haven´t it from schuco just by Revell and if I compare it revell with schuco, isetta from schuco is bigger
Both are nice.
But if I would choose... autoart is ever finer
real length of bmw 600 is 290 cm, Autoart has 16 cm also it fit perfectly, real isetta has 225 cm and model should have a length 12,5 cm, how much is it ? Because I haven´t it from schuco just by Revell and if I compare it revell with schuco, isetta from schuco is bigger
Both are Junk, i have paint rash issues with Shuco and Auto Art. I find that CMC has the best diecast quality.